Wednesday, September 10, 2014

blogging revamp

It has now been officially been 1 year and 4 weeks since my last blog post.

I've neglected to share any news from our first year of living in Utah, including: Tyler's entire career at CHA (the job we moved here for), my completing my Masters Degree, my 3 months of unemployment, the first 6 months at my first real, professional job, Tyler's switch into high school math teaching, life next door to my sis and my favorite two nephews, (oh yeah, the birth of my newest nephew), our winter skiing/snowboarding adventures, our latest obsession with biking and triathlon training (that's not new though), a few great weeks spent with family, and the purchase and renovation of our first {real} investment property....  Anywho, it wasn't too exciting anyways, and now you're up to date, so we can move on.

I called this a revamp because I plan on changing directions with the purpose of this blog (especially since I don't seem to be accomplishing any purpose with it currently).  I'd like to create this blog as a training journal.  Because we seem to devote so much of our lives to training for various races and activities, I feel like it'd be nice to record my thoughts about that aspect of our lives somewhere.  Also, lately, we seem to be in a bit of a slump as far as motivation goes, and we've decided we need to attach some meaning to all of our training efforts. Something to make it feel worthwhile and valuable; something bigger than ourselves to drive us when our eyes are tired and our bodies are aching. And this blog will, hopefully, help us to create that meaning we are looking for.

So, there's the intro.  First training post on its way..

1 comment:

  1. I love your photos! Thank you for sharing. It looks like you and Tyler are having fun and seeing some beautiful sites
    in Utah. Tell Tyler "Hello" for me . I'm glad you were both able to land new jobs. It is nice to get updated. I hope this is a good year for you guys.
